Battle Field Second Word War
75 years have passed since the end of World War II, but the interest it inspires is greater than ever. Popular TV stations seemingly broadcast documentaries on this most violent conflict in the history of mankind almost incessantly. You might think that everything has already been said and written about the Second World War, but there is an increasing number of new publications and books which provide fresh insights into the War itself, the background against which this conflict arose and its global consequences. So it is not surprising that the interest of the general public in World War ll is increasing, and that more and more people want to become better educated about this conflict. In close cooperation with the Liberation Route Europe Foundation and certain Canadian partners and heritage organizations, we gladly play our role in sharing our knowledge about World War II and the position of our part of the country within it. Through this brochure, we would like to attract your attention to our venture, and share with you the excellent opportunities that our region has to offer to the visitor who is interested in Battle Field Tourism. Our region has a rich and eventful past when it comes to conflicts and warfare, specifically with regard to the Second World War. It is not without reason that there are two large war cemeteries in Bergen op Zoom, the final resting place of almost 2,500 soldiers who paid the ultimate price for our freedom.
Beleef een onvergetelijke avond met je Valentijn en ontdek de culinaire magie van een exclusief viergangendiner, gepresenteerd op een werkelijk unieke locatie aan de Brabantse Wal. Laat je smaakpapillen verrassen!
Op zaterdag 15 februari openen we speciaal onze deuren voor een romantische ervaring, met een verrassingsmenu dat je hart sneller zal doen kloppen.
Wil je jezelf en je geliefde écht in de watten leggen? Combineer het diner met een overnachting en een heerlijk ontbijt, al vanaf € 235,-
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